Archives by Day: February 6, 2025

Cleveland Public Theatre Is Hiring a Full-Time Teaching Artist and Site Coordinator

Cleveland Public Theatre is hiring a Teaching Artist and Site Coordinator for the Cuyahoga Municipal Housing Authority Cleveland Act Now (CMHA CAN) program to continue to serve Cleveland Public Theatre’s mission to raise consciousness and nurture compassion through life-changing education programs.

Review of candidates will begin immediately. To apply for the position, send an email to Nicole Sumlin, Director of Education, at by end of day Friday, April 11, 2025. Subject line should read: “YOUR LAST NAME, Teaching Artist and Site Coordinator, CMHA CAN”. Your email should include two attachments: a resume and a cover letter giving examples of work that illustrate the experience required in the description and explaining why you are interested in this position. Please also include a list of three references (name, role, email address and phone number for each). No phone calls, please.  

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CPT Is Hiring Temporary, Full-Time Supporting Teaching Artists for Summer

CPT is seeking temporary, full-time Supporting Teaching Artists (CMHA CAN) and a Teaching Assistant (CAN Academy) to assist in implementing CPT Education summer programming. Theatre experience is a plus. We are looking to build a strong core of artists who are dedicated to creating work to further racial and economic justice. 

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