Red Ash Mosaic (Work-In-Progress)

Devised by Raymond Bobgan and Ensemble. Directed by Raymond Bobgan.

June 03, 2016 - June 12, 2016

7:30pm. Shows Friday & Saturday (June 3-4) and Saturday & Sunday (June 11-12), Gordon Square Theatre



A Work-in-Progress showing of a new work by CPT Executive Artistic Director Raymond Bobgan.

RED ASH MOSAIC is an experiment in theatrical form, with interwoven and contradictory narrative threads, powerful physical action, chanting and poetic texts – designed not to show, but to invoke; not a presentation, but a transmission. Beginning in the daily doldrums of a video game store, RED ASH MOSAIC erupts into a fracturing of quotidian realities and parallel lives before launching into an otherworldly land of dreams, spirits and the awakening of one man as he confronts his own death.

The Ensemble:
Dionne Atchison, Sarah Moore, Adam Seeholzer, Faye Hargate, Caitlin Lewins, Brandon McSwain, and Darius Stubbs.

The Production Team:
Raymond Bobgan, Director/Creator
Colleen McCaughey, Stage Manager
Benjamin Gantose, Light Designer
Matthew Ryals, Composer/Sound Designer
Maura Krause, Outside Eye/Dramaturg
Holly Holsinger, Costume Design/Vocal Coach

Remarkable Rating: