Saturdays (Oct. 13 & 20): Rex and Angelic Voices in Ritardando
October 13, 20 (Double Bill)
Written by Daniel A. Takacs
Directed by Brian Pedaci
Oedipus Rex meets Back to the Future! In this dark comedy, a modern-day Oedipus invents a time machine and returns to the 1970’s to prevent his father’s murder. Will he avert his fate or run headlong into it? Directed by Brian Pedaci.
Angelic Voices In Ritardando
Written by Vickie L. Williams
Directed by Denise Astorino, 2012-2013 Joan Yellen Horvitz Director Fellow
The spirits of four missing girls rejoice with playful nursery rhymes and sharing their aspirations. Their playful rhymes change to a dramatic songs as they poetically voice how they trusted the wrong person, were perceived the wrong way and became victims. Directed by Joan Yellen Horvitz 2012-2013 Director Fellow Denise Astorino.