Test Flight Part 1 – Week 1: Curtain Call: No Exit / Handlebar Brakes / The Ascension of Jordan L. Wells During the Total Lunar Eclipse of 2017
Ensemble Members:
Curtain Call, No Exit
Featuring: De’Aja Benford, Bella Issa, Brooke Jai, Danny O’Donnell & Katie Wells
Handlebar Brakes
Featuring: Samuel J. Bartlett, Calvin Cavagnaro, Nicole Coury, Nash Feiler, Jordan Ficyk, Alex Minyard
Stage Directions: Brooke Lynlee
The Ascension of Jordan L. Wells During the Total Lunar Eclipse of 2017
Featuring: Rosie Bresson, Jacob Lang, Sarah Parr, Madison Roe, Grace Tomasko & DaHae Wenz
The Creative Production Team Includes:
Handlebar Brakes
Producer: Yuval Tal
Set Designer: Laura Carlson Tarantowski
Sound Designer: Cole Tarantowski
Free Bev Friday – Every Friday night at CPT is Free Bev Friday. Free beer, wine, ready-to-drink cocktails and soft drinks are served after the performance for about an hour. Join the staff and artists of CPT, talk about the show, and have a drink on us. And remember, hot beverages like coffee and tea are always complimentary at CPT performances. (Please note: While liquor used in mixed drinks will not be complimentary, the mixer will be discounted from your total.)
A New Play Development Program
February 6 – February 22, 2025
Test Flight is a multi-week series that showcases new work on its way to full production. This popular event provides local and national artists with the keys to the theatre and opportunity to co-produce original works-in-progress. The series encourages risk-taking and entrepreneurial spirit towards creating.
Note that Test Flight (Part 2) will feature four new shows that will run May 22 through June 7. Click here for information on those shows.
Recent successes include Showin’ Up Black by Jeanne Madison (Feb. 2025), Our Lady of Common Sorrows (Fall 2023), Alter by Tania Benites (Feb. 2024). Each of these were developed in Test Flight.