Here are some opportunities to lend a hand!
Ushers for a CPT show
Ushering at CPT is a great opportunity to support and engage with the groundbreaking performances happening throughout the season. In exchange for your contribution of time and enthusiasm, you get a chance to see the performance the same night, and many other great perks depending on frequency of participation!

Duties and Responsibilities:
- Arrive at the theatre 75 minutes before curtain time. Generally, curtain time on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays is 7:30pm for the Gordon Square Theatre and 7:00pm for the James Levin Theatre and Parish Hall. Some shows have alternate performance times, so please check our website or call the Box Office to find what time your show will begin.
- Please dress suitably for an evening at a fun, relaxed theatre. We love for our ushers to be unique and creative, and also to realize that they are representatives of Cleveland Public Theatre. Please note that you may be asked to stand outside and direct patrons into the theatre, so dress with the weather in mind.
- Assist with stuffing and distribution of playbills to the patrons, directing patrons through the theatre the various performance areas, and helping to tidy the house and lobby prior to and following the performance.
If you would like further information about ushering, please contact CPT Patron Service Manager, Jabri Johnson at or 216.631.2727 ext. 215.
Station Hope
Station Hope is an annual free arts festival and community event filled with short works of theatre, dance, choral performances, and visual art installations, all inspired by historical and current social justice issues. Taking place throughout Cleveland’s first authenticated Underground Railroad site, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ohio City, the event aims to bring together neighborhoods and individuals to engage and reflect on social justice, equity, and a shared vision of hope.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Station Hope is usually held in the spring. Volunteers will have the opportunity to enjoy the event before or after their assigned shift. Individuals who are interested in volunteering must attend the volunteer training meeting before Station Hope.
- Ushers – Help monitor traffic flow and answer questions, direct attendees to particular venues alongside
our CPT House Management Staff - Parking/Outdoor Support – Direct attendees to parking areas and event, monitor outdoor spaces
alongside our CPT Facilities Staff - Greeters – Welcome event attend
Contact information will be shared closer to the event.

Pandemonium transforms the CPT campus into a labyrinth of theatre, dance, visual art, and performance in every corner. Tickets are all-inclusive, featuring fabulous local food, free valet, and complimentary drinks served all night long. A feast for the eyes, mind, appetite, and imagination—Pandemonium proceeds benefit CPT’s groundbreaking artistic work and lifechanging education programs.

Duties and Responsibilities:
Pandemonium is usually held every September. Volunteers are needed to register guests and artists, clear tables, and assist celebrity chefs. Shifts typically last for 2-3 hours and require volunteers to be on their feet and active. Before or after your work shift, you are invited to be a guest at the event and enjoy the party!
Contact Kelly Dunn at 216-631-2727 x222 or to apply.